Monday, 30 March 2009

the story in the games is it important of usless

To me the story is definantly what drives me futher in to the game, but with a great story you also need great characters that are part of the story. Most games have a very narrow line to follow but this dosent mean that they are wrong in any way it is just the style of the game for example most firstperson shooters as fun as they are I think that the gamplay comes before the story and that the story is just somthing to add a bit more depth in to the game. there are also a few games that may have 4 or 5 games to there name but do not really have a deffinat difference in thet story one example to me is GTA all that the story consists of is kill this man, get that load of drugs to that location seems to boring and repetative to me and whilst it may have good characters with funny personalities and stuff that really only satifies me for a certain amount of time.

Some of my favorite games are Final Fantasy's because they are long, the story is magnificent becuase of the amount of time they spend working on the story then they beguin creating from the story what the world would be and the style of the characters. There is in most games a path that you follow because the story is already pre determind and no real choice is involved in shaping what you as the player can do to the story but there are those games like Fable, Fable 2, Mass Effect, Star Wars the knights of the old republic 1and 2 where the choices that you make can drasticly change the story and its final out come the example i think is mos prominant is at the end of mass effect or durinf the final battle the council has been put abored the galactic aliances most powerfull ship and they are getting rinced so the earth allinace gets all of its ships to the citadel and you get a choice sve the council or forget the and let them die either way compleetly changes the story but both are win situations for mankind and stuff like that is what really makes me want to play again and again so i say that the story is or should be the core for what the game is built on.

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