Monday, 30 March 2009

Gaming technology

The technology in games has come far since the beginning but really i have only been used to a small part of that because I first started playing games on the PS1 which compared to today's consoles is about as good as having toast instead of a full English for breakfast.

The ps1 was really the one think that got me in to gaming because it was realativly small and easy to use but as the consoles got better well i wanted the better one it is just human nature and whilst the PS1 got me in to gaing i really didn't play on it that much so when i got my PS2 that all changed because the graphics and the ease of playin were so good that i didn't want to stop there really wasn't a day were i didn't play on my console and that hasn't changed but what it had in power ws lost in style it got bigger and looked more like a breez block than a console but like many people my PS2 broke so i got the slim line PS2 which was smaller than tne origonal and smaller than the PS1 so it got better style wise but it got hot very quickly which didn't do anything to my one but there was always that frear that it was going to go bang at any moment.

A few years after the release of the origional PS2 came the xbox which was like a new benchmark technology wise but a step back style wise cause that thing was huge! if i remember rightly it was almost teice the size of the origional PS2. Nowerdays howerver they next gen consoles as they are called look nice and play easy aswell which is a bonus but the PS3 has got bigger and the 360 is liable to die any moment because of the way it is built so they all have there flaws but they are relativly the same playing, very simple and no fuss.

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